Articles by: Gary Pritts

President, Gary Pritts Gary consults in the areas of physician practice management, medical information systems, HIPAA compliance, health and productivity management and general business management.  Gary serves on the board of Lakewood Hospital, one of the Cleveland Clinic Regional Hospitals, and is a founder and past president of eHealth Ohio, and is active with numerous professional organizations.  He served as product development manager for the EDI clearinghouse division of Quadax, a regional clearinghouse, and  understands provider organizations from his 6 years as President and owner of Premier Rehab, a Medicare Certified Rehab agency with two Cleveland locations.  His computer background includes 15 years in various computer and computer service organizations.  He has a B.S. in Computer Science from Purdue University and an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School.

Determining Probabilities in the Risk Analysis

The HITECH Act, in particular the meaningful use incentive program for physicians and hospitals, has placed the computer security risk analysis in the spotlight. Meaningful use requires a risk analysis, also called a risk assessment, as per the HIPAA Security rules in...

Meaningful Use Audits Underway

CMS has announced that providers – hospitals and physicians – who received meaningful use incentive payments are now being audited. CMS has outsourced this function to the New York audit contractor Figliozzi & Company.  Providers who fail to produce documentation...

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