Eagle specializes in services related to Health Information Technology, including services to help physician practices select and implement electronic health record and other technologies, performing a wide variety of HIPAA security related services including creation of HIPAA Security Policies, conducting HIPAA audits, performing the HIPAA Security Risk Analysis, conducting technical vulnerability analyses and a variety of other services.
Cyber-attacks on healthcare providers increased from 2016 to 2017, and are still trending upwards. Extensive private data plus inadequate security makes healthcare organizations attractive targets for attackers and, all too often, victims of their own errors.
HIPAA Business Associates have experienced HIPAA breach fines in the millions of dollars. Eagle Consulting offers HIPAA Policy Templates specifically tailored to different types of Business Associates, including cloud computing vendors, IT managed services companies, and third-party administrators.
Don’t become the next Catch of the Day! Healthcare providers are worse than their peers at identifying phishing emails and preventing these attacks. What is phishing? How can you protect yourself? Read this article to find out.
A recent report on healthcare cybersecurity shows the industry 15th out of the 18 major US industries surveyed. In Part II of this two-part article, we investigate why healthcare organizations struggle to keep up with cybersecurity threats.
A recent report on healthcare cybersecurity shows the industry 15th out of the 18 major US industries surveyed. In Part I of this two-part article, we explore this poor rating and investigate why healthcare records are so appealing to criminals.
Meltdown and Spectre computer vulnerabilities affect HIPAA Covered Entities and Business Associates. Every computer, phone, and tablet is impacted. Take these steps to protect yourself and update your systems.