Comprehensive HIPAA Policy Templates…
Get in Compliance Today. Eagle Consulting Partners, Inc., guarantees all of its comprehensive downloadable HIPAA Policy & Procedures Templates are current and cover the complete set of policies you need to understand in today’s regulatory environment. Don’t see the template you need? Eagle offers custom HIPAA Policies and Procedures Development.
NEW: TPA Compliance Program: Templates, Portal, Training
Need robust HIPAA compliance as a business associate or “third party administrator” (TPA)? Eagle provides a complete package of procedures, templates,compliance portal and training – which includes…
SPECIAL: Save 30% for a limited time on this program…
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Meet Customer Demands for HIPAA Compliance
Policy & Procedures Templates Specifically Designed for Your Business Processes
HIPAA Policy Templates for Business Associates: Business processes and workflows vary dramatically. Consider the difference between web hosting vendors, billing services, and a data analytics company. Depending on the nature of the business, some standards are relevant and others don’t apply. Eagle has created templates based on its expertise and understanding of the workflows and business processes for several types of organizations who have HIPAA business obligations.
HIPAA Privacy & Security Policy Templates for IT Managed Services Provders
Finally, a policy template specifically designed to meet the regulatory requirements of Information Technology companies who provide software or services to healthcare organizations…
HIPAA Privacy & Security Policy Templates for Third Party Administrators (Business Associates)
Are you a “Business Associate” (as defined by HHS) that needs to stay in HIPAA compliance? These policy templates are designed for Third Party Administrators (TPAs) who administer health benefit plans… more details
HIPAA Privacy & Security Policy Templates for Healthcare Cloud Computing Vendors
Are your customers demanding robust HIPAA compliance? These policy templates are designed specifically for medical cloud computing vendors to comply with your customer’s security questionnaires – which includes…
HIPAA Privacy & Security Policy Templates for Medical Billing Companies
Are your customers demanding robust HIPAA compliance? These policy templates are designed specifically for medical cloud computing vendors to comply with your customer’s security questionnaires – which includes…
HIPAA Privacy & Security Policy Templates for Health Insurance Brokers
The insurance companies you represent, and your customers demand your HIPAA compliance. Quickstart the process with these HIPAA policy templates specifically designed for your business, whether you sell in the group, individual, or both markets – which includes…
HIPAA/NAID Policy Templates for Shredding Companies
Shredding companies who serve the health care and/or health insurance markets face customer demands for HIPAA compliance. These policies are designed to help you comply with both HIPAA and the National Association for Information Destruction (NAID) certification standards, – which includes…
Compare Business Associate Policy Templates (see content list at above links).
Depending on the nature of the business, some standards are relevant and others don’t apply.
Clients Say:
“The work you did for us was extremely valuable in establishing our Board’s HIPAA Privacy and Security policies and procedures. We were able to get everything in order and had a good foundation to build on. Our IT staff learned a great deal through working with you and have continued to build on the IT security knowledge they gained through the assessment. We look forward to working with you again to assess our progress.”
“Gary was very knowledgeable and we were at his mercy. I was leaning on him pretty heavily and him consulting us in the right direction. We acted under his recommendations. I appreciate there being someone out there with the amount of experience that he has, especially with County Boards of DD. I anticipated this project to take the whole year. I was impressed with the speed of the completion of the policy customization.”
HIPAA Policy Templates for Healthcare,
Governments & Self Insured Employers
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HIPAA Privacy and Security Policy Templates for Ohio DD Boards
Eagle has recently completed an update to its Confidentiality & Computer Security Policies for Ohio Developmental Disability Boards. This update focuses on the changes specified in the ORC, the OAC, NIST, and the OCR audit protocol.
HIPAA Privacy and Security Policy Templates for Public Health Departments
Finally, HIPAA Policies that match unique processes for public health departments Public Health Departments have unique focus areas: Disease Surveillance; Communicable Disease Management; Immunization Reporting; and other…
HIPAA Privacy and Security Policy Templates for Group Health Plans for Self-insured Employers
These policies are designed for employers with group health plans that are outsourced to TPAs, and whose role involves enrollment, termination, and open enrollment activities, occasional…
HIPAA Privacy and Security Policy Templates for Medical Practices
Designed specifically for small medical practices (10 physicians or less), Eagle’s comprehensive policy and procedure templates speed the process of HIPAA Privacy and Security Compliance. These policies have…
Eagle HIPAA Policy Templates Cover Privacy & Security
HIPAA policies and procedures are the key to your practice and business associate HIPAA compliance plans. Your employees must be formally trained on HIPAA regulations regularly. Eagle’s experience in HIPAA compliance consulting is reflected in our HIPAA policies and procedures templates to save you time, and money, so you can focus on managing your practice and related businesses. It’s very important that most practices now have a signed business associate agreement, so we have provided business associate templates to make this process go faster.
Customizable HIPAA Policy Templates: All organizations, from physician’s practices to hospitals and healthcare business associates, have different processes used to handle, store, and transmit sensitive patient data. Eagle offers flexible HIPAA policy templates that allow you to easily customize privacy and security policies to address specific processes and risks identified during your organization’s HIPAA risk assessment. We know from long experience exactly how a range of healthcare clients need to achieve HIPAA compliance with the best policies and procedures. Often, we help clients both complete their policy and procedure manuals to meet HIPAA standards and implement best practice workflow procedures with your team.
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