Risk Analysis – Probability of Smartphone loss/theft

In this latest installment about risk analysis we continue the difficult quest to quantify risk of data breach. Hospitals and physician practices are conducting computer security risk analyses for HIPAA compliance and for meaningful use (per HIPAA Security 45 CFR...

Risk Analysis – Quantifying Risk and Impact – Part 2

Hospitals and physician practices conducting computer security risk analyses for HIPAA compliance and for meaningful use (per HIPAA Security 45 CFR 164.308(a)(1)) must assess the threats and likelihood of occurrence. Because most breaches are never reported, accurate...

Risk Assessment: Quantifying Risk and Impact

HIPAA Covered entities, including hospitals and physicians who are implementing electronic records with hopes of attaining Meaningful Use and qualifying for federal incentives, are performing a computer security risk analysis, or risk assessment. Conducting regular...

Risk Assessment: Forget the PHI, they want your money

(Editor’s note, December 2015:  while the information in this post remains relevant, 2015 could be called the year of the health care breach.  During 2015 alone, approximately 1 out of every 3 Americans had some of their health care data stolen.  New threats and...

Securing your Home Wi-Fi Network

Virtually everyone has a home wi-fi network. It provides convenient access for laptops, smartphones, tablets and gaming devices. How do you protect yourself? Administration Account.  The first step is to secure the administration account for your wireless router or...

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