Tennessee Pain Management Clinic Solutions
Caught in the cogs of compliance? Eagle Consulting understands the compliance challenges Tennessee pain management clinics face. With the national Opioid crisis, pain management clinics are in the crosshairs of politicians and regulators. Eagle can help you comply with the new comprehensive Tennessee Pain Clinic regulations, which also require compliance with OSHA. CDC Infection Control guidelines, HIPAA, DEA and other Tennessee state laws.
Eagle offers complete and comprehensive services for Pain Clinics including:
Comprehensive, 193-page policy manual, fully compliant with all Tennessee Pain Clinic regulations
- Customization of the Policy Manual as required
- Correction of any compliance deficiencies
- Training for all staff
- Secure Web Portal to maintain all compliance documentation
- On-site preliminary audit prior to state inspection
- Help during State Inspection
These services will save you time, reduce stress, keep your business open, and keep you focused on helping people cope with their challenging pain situations.
We have proven results. Annual retainer agreements can help you stay in compliance and up with all the latest regulations. Contact us today!

“Excellence in everything they did!” — Adriana Garza-Pinson, Office Manager, Paul E. Pinson – Pain & Spine Specialists