HIPAA Security

HIPAA Security is vital in healthcare. Eagle writes about breaches and ways to protect yourself.

Eagle HIPAA Policy and Procedures TemplatesEagle works with clients in healthcare and healthcare business associates to ensure HIPAA Security compliance.  We provide a set of policy templates for a variety of business associate types including Cloud Vendors, Third Party Administrators, and Information Technology companies.

HIPAA Compliance with Google’s G Suite (Google Apps)

HIPAA Compliance with Google’s G Suite (Google Apps)

Eagle’s opinion is that the agreement meets the minimum requirements of a HIPAA BAA, and as such Google accepts the minimum liability in the event of a data breach which is to send you “applicable Breach notifications” via email in the event of a breach.  Google will not indemnify you, reimburse you for your breach notification costs, or pay any other damages. 

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