CMS Quality Payment Programs are a key element of CMS’ effort to transform the Medicare system from a “Pay for Volume” model to “Pay for Value”. The Quality Payment Programs include Alternative Payment Models (APMs) such as ACOs and Patient Centered Medical Homes (PCMH). For physician practices not participating in an APM, the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) will apply. MIPS, which will be effective 1/1/2017, incorporates the legacy Meaningful Use, PQRS and Value Modifier programs.
BREAKING NEWS: CMS Releases the 2020 MIPS Proposed Rule! CMS released the 2020 proposed rule for the MIPS program yesterday. Here are the key details: Performance Threshold CMS proposes to increase the performance threshold to 45 points in 2020 and 60 points in 2021.... Read More
The MIPS rules are complex and this complexity creates many opportunities to make mistakes. Make sure that you avoid these top 5 mistakes that we have seen!
During 2018, CMS has classified six of the MIPS quality measures “topped out” which makes achieving a high final score a bit tougher. In subsequent years, more measures will become topped out so providers will need to identify new measures in order to achieve the same MIPS final score.